You might suffer a foot fracture if you drop something heavy, like a bowling ball or a free weight. Though painful, with diagnosis and treatment, foot fractures often improve without surgery. At Kenneth Meisler, DPM, PLLC & Associates, the providers offer complete care for foot fractures. Make an appointment today by calling the office on the Upper East Side of Manhattan in New York City or clicking the online booking feature.

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What is a foot fracture?

A foot fracture occurs when you break a bone in your foot, due to trauma or general wear-and-tear. Fractures vary in severity. Some are minor and improve with rest and activity modification; others are severe and require surgery.

What are the symptoms of a foot fracture?

Symptoms of a foot fracture include:

  • Swelling
  • Sudden, throbbing pain
  • Bruising
  • Tenderness
  • Difficulty standing up or walking

You might also experience a visible abnormality, like a bone protruding through your skin, depending on the severity of your injury.

When should I see a podiatrist about a foot fracture?

Make an appointment at Kenneth Meisler, DPM, PLLC & Associates if you injure your foot and it doesn’t improve with at-home treatments, like ice, rest, and anti-inflammatory medication. That’s especially true if there’s visible swelling and redness, or the pain interferes with your routine.

How is a foot fracture diagnosed?

To diagnose a foot fracture, your Kenneth Meisler, DPM, PLLC & Associates provider reviews your medical records and asks about your symptoms, including what you were doing when they started, how severe they are, and if they’re worse during certain activities.

Next, they examine your foot, looking for bruising, redness, or visible abnormalities. Your provider gently presses on your skin to check for tenderness and assesses your range of motion. Then, they order diagnostic imaging, like X-rays, an MRI, or a bone scan.

How is a foot fracture treated?

Treatment of a foot fracture depends on various things, including which bone is broken and the severity of the injury. Your Kenneth Meisler, DPM, PLLC & Associates provider might recommend:

  • A cast or a splint
  • Physical therapy
  • Pain medication
  • Mobility devices, like crutches or a walker

If your fracture causes a bone to break into several pieces, your provider might recommend surgery. During fracture repair surgery, your provider uses pins, plates, or screws to hold your bones in the proper position, encouraging your body’s healing process.

How can I reduce my risk of a foot fracture?

There are several things you can do to reduce your risk of a foot fracture. Kenneth Meisler, DPM, PLLC & Associates recommends wearing comfortable shoes that fit, easing slowly into new activities, and keeping the pathways in your home free of clutter.

To explore the treatment options for foot fractures, make an appointment at Kenneth Meisler, DPM, PLLC & Associates today by calling the office or clicking the online booking feature.