Jeff Spear 2012 Olympic Team Alternate, London
To Dr. Meisler,
“For getting my broken foot back on the Piste in just a few short weeks!
Thank You!”

Emmy Rossum
To Dr. Meisler
Your staff has been wonderful.The treatment I received was fabulous.
Best wishes”

Michael Emerso
To Dr. Meisler & Staff
“as I tiptoe through the jungle…”

David Dinkin
“Dear Dr. Meisler,
I write to let you know how much I have appreciated yourexpert and professional care and enjoyedyour acquaintance.
When I came to you, I could hardly walk – yet I was looking toget back on the tennis court as soon as possible. I had heardfrom my assistant that you were an expert at keeping athletesgoing, and I was not in the least disappointed. You not onlytreated my conditions quickly and carefully, alleviating thepain, but also enabled me to continue to play, almost at the levelwhich I had attained when I lost to Borg in the quarterfinals ofthe French Open. And it was a pleasure to play doubles withSkip Hartman against you and Abe Rezny – let me know if youwant a rematch!
I will always be grateful for the attention and care youoffered me. I commend you on a excellent, professionaland compassionate staff, and I look forward to seeingyou – only on the courts – in the future. Sincerely,David Dinkins”

Gloria Steinem
To Dr. Meisler
“With gratitude for helping for helping friends!

Stevie Wonder
*Was a patient in our old office*

Paul Howard
For Dr. Meisler
“The best “Foot Man”.
Best from Paul the Son of “Moe”